An unnatural system that oppresses both boss and worker, causing tensions between humans by keeping both boss and worker in an artificial conflict that benefits no one and prevents the worker from actually doing his job. Benefits no one, that is no one but the powers and powerful above since boss and worker will continue distracted by a never ending clash of petty differences.
In this system the boss itself will get frustrated and disturbed for he thinks he is doing nothing but what he is supposed to do, needless to say the boss is also easily dispensable like a toy.
This tactic works best if the boss is recruited among workers, as seen thru-out the centuries for example within slaves, often the best tactics to keep slaves under control would be to recruit a slave to boss around the other slaves.
Labor hierarchy is contrary to human nature and will only create tensions and problems maybe even wars.
A clean reboot is absolutely necessary to end the current dystopia. We are all zeks in the eyes of the beast.