If humans are naturally selfish and greedy then all wrongdoing is excused, capitalism/communism/fascism is not our fault, there is no need to try and fix it or accept that it has failed. No need to take responsibility it just is the way it is, then lets fuck it up a little more or enclose ourselves in out little bobbles. Its never my fault its our nature after all.
Except this can’t be further then the truth, first ask yourself, Am i greedy and selfish ? Most people will say no, then if most people say they are not selfish how the fuck is the common sense this days that people are selfish by nature. Second from a logic evolutionary point of view if it was in our nature to be selfish we wouldn’t have survived past the cave man phase or even before since we would just be killing and stealing each others, without mutual aid we wouldn’t be where we are today so we are by nature the opposite of selfish.
Now, you can argue that Today we are selfish and there is a few good reasons for that, we are conditioned by mass society, capitalism, state or just Civilization, which confines us inside a box where it tell us how to think and act, rules and laws will make sure you do and as a last resort the state holds the monopoly on violence so you are always fucked. Cities are also not helpful at all because they disconnect us from nature, the same goes for the industrial/technological machinery.
Technology once thought to come in our aid by automating tasks for humans, it is now effectively automating humans themselves, there will be a point humans wont even be necessary anymore.
Its specially convenient for the people most on the top making the most profit that we remain selfish, for that to happen they make sure we work against each others, zek against zek against everything including mother earth.
You are only selfish while you use your leviathans mask if you can’t take it of at least learn to see from behind it with human eyes.
Let’s kill the beast and reboot back into the state of nature.