Fellow XR’s while it is important to find practical immediate solutions to slow down climate change, since we are past the point of no return, it is even more important to understand how humanity messed up so big and got us here.
In fact this abrupt abnormal global warming is only a symptom of a much bigger problem which we need to address in order to avoid committing the same mistake all over again in the future.
Its the wake up call, the opportunity to look in detail what really went wrong, you know, the planet will fix itself after we’ve left which doesn’t mean we are useless, otherwise we wouldn’t be here in the first place.
So what do we really want ? to fix the global warming ? and then what ?
I think we can all agree that it is never enough to fix the superficial aspect of a problem. Problems need to be fixed on the root cause.
Now i will try to describe what i have observed, read and debated with others.
What happened is, among other things, that we have been fighting nature for millennia, we haven’t respect the land and its inhabitants, instead we have put ourselves in a higher position then land and animals isolating ourselves from them. By the way that’s the first step to start disrespecting ourselves and to lose notion of whats important.
But before that, we then start to explore and abuse the land, causing human population to grow uncontrollably with no regards for the surrounding species.
We then start to isolate ourselves into more and more compact groups which originates further ahead into cities, which fueled human population growth even more.
Furthermore by living in a city, individual autonomy and self sustainability greatly declines.
Now we start to get on each others creating divisions and means of control, and here is the thing, we are a social species we can’t live in isolation, yet that is exactly what happens in cities, with an extra help of good old technology.
And technology now plays a massive role on industry creation and the reason why we scavenge and destroy the insides and outsides of the planet.
All sorts of mental illness develops inside cities and now we have lost sight of the core problem.
By now we are inside a massive snow ball gaining momentum towards….NOW.
The search for rare earth and other minerals is relentless, cities need to be fed, the bigger or more compact they are the more they’ll need.
In short:
Population reduction, desmanteling/destroying factories and industry, reducing consumption in general but in particular of tech devices, avoiding technology and getting away from cities is the only real long termĀ solution to avoid repeating history all over again.
Any technological solution will usually only generate more industry and earth scavenging.
Its an enormous task, yes, and i don’t expect seeing it dealt with anytime soon.
But its imperative to have this present in our mind as we try to find short time solutions.